The Friends of Modern Art proudly present the 51st Annual FLINT ART FAIR on June 9 & 10, 2018!
The friendliest art fair in Michigan, Flint Art Fair is a juried fine art and fine craft fair held on the lawn of the Flint Institute of Arts in the heart of the beautiful Flint Cultural Center. All artists and fine craft persons are invited to apply. Up to 150 artists will be invited to participate in this two-day event.
As an invited artist you are eligible for MONETARY AWARDS and will enjoy one of the most hospitable festival locations anywhere. The 10’ x 10’ booth spaces are grassy, with ample storage space behind each booth. Coffee and donuts are available Saturday morning in the Artist Hospitality area and Sunday morning is the catered Artists Awards Breakfast—free for the artist. Our Hospitality team of experienced volunteers is available to provide artists with short breaks and complimentary bottled water is available to artists at any time during the fair.
Airbrush Demo
Steve Wood
Aimee Byars
Huixiong Fong | alexfong56@gmail.com
Sara Meyers | The Golden Leaf | saralynn1113@gmail.com | www.thegoldenleaf.com
Amy Droste | Droste Pottery | drostepottery@gmail.com
Kathy Eaton | theglazedpotter@yahoo.com
Carla Gibson | cjanecare@mac.com | www.facebook.com/chuberpottery
Jeff Hageman | jeffhagemandesigns@gmail.com
Craig Hinshaw | craighinshaw@hotmail.com | craighinshaw.com
Nancy Lind | feathersandfins@zoomtown.com
Brandee Ross | Brandee Ross Pottery | pottery@brandeeross.com | www.brandeeross.com
Debra Thomas
Jake Vinson | poetspots@gmail.com
Modesrah Ahmed | contact@ineedhenna.com
Fibers – Non-Wearable
Jean Nixon | Au Gres Sheep Shoppe | augressheep@centurytel.net | www.AuGresSheepFactory.com
Michael Sage | phantomleaves@comcast.net | www.phantomleaves.com
Fibers – Wearable
Beth H. | TwoStix5Stones@gmail.com| www.TwoStix5Stones.com
Rowan Leithauser | rowangreyclothing@gmail.com | www.rowangrey.net
Barbara Teitsma | Sew Snazzy | info@sewsnazzy.com | www.sewsnazzy.com
Sally Gardner | Sally Gardner Jewelry | sallygg@umich.edu
Suellen Parker | caseislandglass@mac.com| http://homepage.mac.com/caseislandglass
Mary Gail Vanseldright | Glass Ect. | marygailvs@aol.com
Glass And Jewelry
Paula Robinson | robinson3255@aol.com
Paul Albritton | Albritton Gallery | albrittongallery@icloud.com
Deborah Barnes | Deborah Barnes | djewelerbarnes@aol.com
Javier Baron | JBaron9834@gmail.com
Gary Bobofchak | hrbrlite@sbcglobal.net
Steve Brunger | srbjewelry@yahoo.com | www.pointbetsiecreations.com
Collyn DeBano | treetrunkarts@gmail.com | www.treetrunkarts.com
Kim Evans | divergencedesign@gmail.com | www.divergencedesign.com
Laura Hogan | Crystal Rock Designs |ljhcitibell@aol.com
Alice Landis | alicelandis@yahoo.com | www.aljewelry.com
Scott Macklin | Fantasy Jewelry | 2smacklin@gmail.com
Nancy Melet-Daly | Nancy Melet | nmelet@sbcglobal.net | www.nancymelet.com
Cindy Mullen | Black Dog Design | cmullen2@charter.net
Alicia Niles | Alicia Niles | alicia@alicianiles.com | www.alicianiles.com
Robert Nilsson | bertnil@msn.com
Joyce Nolan | jnolan@txwinet.com | www.joycenolan.com
Gerry Prather | gerryjamiek@hotmail.com
Anita Spencer | Anita's Beads | falconspirit11@msn.com | www.anitasbeads.com
Jerry Wygant | sherylwygant@yahoo.com
Matthew Brehl | mbrehl@gmail.com | www.mjbdesigns.com
John Creel |creel999@gmail.com
Paul Mason | Mason Welding | masonweld@yahoo.com | www.masonwelding.com
Dianna Sturman | D&S Copper Lawn Art | terrysturman@hotmail.com
Kimberly Tjapkes | kimtjapkes@yahoo.com
Paul Wizynajtys | Iwizber@att.net
Mixed Media
James Ardis | deniseardis@hotmail.com | www.ardisart.net
Hope Atkinson | guy9822@gmail.com
Barbara and David | ehg@earringholders.com | www.earringholders.com
Nancy Grimsley | Contemporary Clay Designs | ngrimsley@yahoo.com
Michelle Hauska | Stoner's Granite LLC | stonersgranite@comcast.net
Liping Jackson | pennyclayturtles@gmail.com
Olivia Shortt | art.oliviajoy@gmail.com | https://oliviajoystudio.com
Michael Vedder | MTV ART | lvedder@umflint.edu
Aaron Bivins | abivins@sbcglobal.net
Lisa Sabo Brown | lsabohome@yahoo.com
Linda Chamberlain | chamberlain2048@gmail.com
Michelle Detering | deteringm@gmail.com | www.michelledeteringart.com
Cheryl Flore | cherkayflo@gmail.com
Susan Hamady | shhamady@cs.com | www.SusanHamady.com
Godwin Kou | godwinkou@aol.com | www.discoveratlantachineseart.com
Ken Kueffner | Ken Kueffner Studio | kkueffner@yahoo.com | www.kenkueffnerstudio.com
Carl Lundgren | lundgrenart@aol.com | carllundgren.com
Leon Ruiz | Leonyrosa6@aol.com | www.lfruiz.com
Brian Sullivan | mrartist2@gmail.com | www.briansullivanart.com
Catherine Adamkiewicz | sienabecket@gmail.com
Jesse Green | jmgphotography@ymail.com | www.spellitinphotos.com
David Hunter | dfhunter41@hotmail.com | americanimagephotography.com
Steven Huyser-Honig | Steven Huyser-Honig's Michigan | steve@stevenhuyserhonig.com | www.stevenhuyserhonig.com
Tim Lintz | tim.lintz.photography@aol.com
Nova Mackentley | Night Flight Images | nightflightimages@gmail.com | www.nightflightimages.com
Douglas Markusic | dougkooz@att.net
Jack Schultz | Intricate Imagery Photography | jacko1950@roadrunner.com | www.jack-schultz.pixels.com
​ Mel Fleck | Fleck Studios | mfleck@bellsouth.net
Douglas Brinks | Dougs Fine Woodturning | dbrinks@chartermi.net
Andy Carter | The Crooked Stick | thecrookedstick@gmail.com | www.thecrookedstick.biz
Larry Puchalsky | Wildwoods | puchalskylarry@gmail.com
Kevin Rouwhorst | slamarod2@att.net
Simon Tarasiewicz | The Toy Tree | toytree2@att.net
Yard Art
Goldie Holdwick
R. Dean & Gloria Barkley | gmbarkley@aol.com
Dale Cantrell | cantrells@ameritech.net
Bob Anderson
Barb Barrell
Dave Devoe
Kim Devoe
Ellen Phaneuf
Joe Piotrowski
Myles Waybrant
Sue Wood
Carol Andrews
Barbara Asa
Connie Barrie
Todd Ferguson
Billie Fisher
Lynn Friesen-Davis
Lee Giacalone
John Giolitti
Carol Higgins
Michelle Lankton
Gail McKone-Burns
John Mrozk
Rick Murphy
John Nelson
Joe Opalinski
Brenda Price
Joetta Pyles Zalewski
Patti Rowe
Linda Scharrer
Jeanne Thick
Judith Walker
Annette Brown
Heidi Buckley
Aisha Changezi
Callie JayneDolsen
Robert Downer
Geraldine Junior
Leeah Merz
Jamie Pavlovich
Michael Sevick
Rebecca Zeiss
Daniel Kapla
Brandon Lowry
Mark Mabry
Melissa Ruboyanies
Lxs Signer
Jordan Stewart
Lance Swett